Wednesday, June 29, 2011


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Monday, June 13, 2011

Digital Audio Converters

Analog to Digital (ADC), and Digital to Analog (DAC) Audio Converters

Why, when and where do you need them?

  • You just purchased a new LCD or Plasma TV (Digital Output) and you need to get the sound through your Stereo System (Analog Input)? You need a DAC!

 • Your new digital speaker system (Digital Input) won’t work with your old stereo receiver (Analog Output) You need an ADC!

 • You have run out of digital inputs on your new home theater system and you want to connect your MP3 player that only has a digital audio output. You need a (DAC)!

What are these things?!

Digital to Analog Audio Converters (DAC's) convert either LPCM or Bitstream digital audio on Coax or Optical Toslink to Stereo Left/Right Audio.

Analog to Digital Audio Converters (ADC's) convert Stereo Left/Right analog audio into LPCM Digital Audio for either Coax or Optical Toslink Input.

Learn More

More about analog and digital audio
Learning Your ADCs and Your DACs(Digital Analog Audio Converters)
Audio - analog and digital
Bitstream vs PCM (LPCM) when using a DAC or in your Home Theater Setup
Common Analog/Digital conversion problems and solutions

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Learning Your ADCs and Your DACs

Once upon a time, the electronic world was all analog; everything was smooth sailing, with infinite variation between one extreme and the other. Then along came digital. Everything became ones and zeros, on and off, yes or no; no variation, nothing in the middle. The cold world of digital, some called it. Somehow, these two worlds had to come together, they needed a translator, otherwise analog equipment and digital equipment could never talk to each other. That’s where ADCs and DACs come in.

Read the rest of this article about Digital Audio Conversion